
International : hiring my first employee in France


International : hiring my first employee in France


Recruiting to support export development

Are you looking to recruit your first employee in France as part of your export development? Do you need support for your projects linked to your company’s international expansion: sales prospecting, market research, support for local teams, assistance with a project? Discover the Yzico solutions available to you.

What you need to know

Citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein) and Switzerland have the right to work freely in France without a work permit (except for citizens of newly acceded countries).

When recruiting citizens from other countries, employers must ensure that the person they intend to hire has a work permit allowing them to work for their company.

If the future employee is a foreign national (from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland), you should check before hiring whether the said person has a valid work permit.

Legally resident foreign employees must enjoy the same rights as French employees.


Our support

  1. France Payroll

The gross salary will define the contribution bases. It is composed of:

  • Fixed salary
  • Overtime salary
  • Commissions
  • Premium or bonus
  • Benefits in kind

The contributions are split into two:

  1. The employee contributions
  2. The employer contributions

The employee contributions are deducted from the gross salary. The employer pays the employee’s and employer’s social security contribution to the social funds (3 or 4 funds) and the tax office. The payments are made monthly or quarterly.

Our social & HR team is fully conversant with the rules and regulations governing pay in France. This ensures that your employees receive payslips that comply fully with the national legislation.


Additional services

Our team of experts will take care of these formalities for you:

  • Declaration prior to hiring,
  • Drawing up the employment contract,
  • Affiliation with social security bodies,
  • Medical check-up, etc.

We can support you at every stage of the introduction procedure for your employees, and also help you to find the right recruitment grants.


Get started


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